Koma Somnus
Dream Tapestry
Thursday, 29. April, 19:30 CET (an hour before sunset in Berlin)
On Discord

Koma Somnus would like to extend a warm invite to Dream Tapestry, a collective sharing session weaving together dreamscapes and real-world landscapes. Together we will listen to and share fragments of past dreams while walking through a chosen environment. Starting Thursday, 29. April, 19:30 CET, we will all swarm out of our homes for a feature-length walk, blending our past dreams with live impressions of our immediate surroundings.

Dream Tapestry will take place as an audio-only event on the dreamXchange Discord server and wherever you choose to wander off to. Please bring a past dream, transcribed as a note on your phone. You will read it out intuitively in fragments of roughly 1-3 sentences. It can be helpful to prepare and divide the text beforehand. You will need headphones, mobile data and a fully charged phone.

For more information and further guidance join the dreamXchange Discord server [click here for the invite link].

Koma Somnus (*19987) is an artist and researcher based in the oneirotopia feed harvested from collective dreamscapes. They are interested in digital game play, video game realism, digital materialism, pseudo-experiments, reciprocal practices between humans, software tools and care work, the co-constitution of memory and trauma, the mutation of written language in programming environments, collective imagination and mythology, the visual properties of abstract systems and collective worldbuilding.

They have been supported with multiple residencies, grants and scholarships. They have co-founded initiatives that create communities and collectives around decentralized art funding, experimental electronic music, collective narration and performance hybrids.